January 13, 2010

Oh my God, I just sneezed EVERYWHERE...

... it was truly disgusting. 

I am so groggy this morning, well, I say 'morning', it's actually 1:30pm.  I had gotten into a decent sleep pattern with having to get up at 7:30am every morning for work, but I ruined it last night by staying up until the early hours. 

I read the Newspaper yesterday to discover that 'Swine Flu' had been hyped up solely to promote the sale of Anti-Swine drugs.  Who didn't know that anyway?  I've never bought into any of that 'pandemic' bollocks.  With the amount of hypochondriacs in this country, it's no wonder that everyone went mental for Tamiflu.  I honestly believe that I have had Swine Flu already.  My two housemates had it a few months back and a couple of days after they got it, I got a blocked nose and a cough... and that was it.  I was fine in like, 2 days.  Once again our government wastes money by buying in a load of shit that we don't need.  Thanks Mr Brown, as if our debts aren't big enough already...

I also read that the Liberal Democrats (my political party of choice) have gone back on some of their policies.  They say that we can no longer afford free University education or free personal care for the elderly.  Fair enough I say.  I'd rather they be honest than lie through their teeth.  They'll still receive my vote.  Plus, no tax for people who earn under £10,000 a year and a 'Mansion tax' for anyone who's home is worth more than £1 Million.  Brilliant idea.  A bit like Robin Hood really, butt-fuck the rich and sort out the poor.  Good lads.

Right, I've got to go and get ready for work now.

Catch you later. x

1 comment:

  1. Oh my- I totally had H1N1 and thought I was dying for about 3 days. And then I got bronchitis which made me appreciate old people. Because I? Thought my mother fucking lungs were working their way up and out. Shit- I was so sick I couldn't even get my ass to the doctor to get Tamiflu. I figured eventually, the smell of my rotting body would signal to my husband and kids that there was a problem. :)
