January 24, 2010

Realisation of the obvious #1

So this is a little thing that got started over on www.thehardcoreeffect.co.uk  but never really went anywhere, so I'm using it.

This 'Realisation of the Obvious' was brought to you by Benji Hardcore;

Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream - It's pretty fucking expensive.

Also, is anyone else having trouble with blogger?  I can't see my followers or post a comment on my page. Anyone else experiencing this???

Much love. x


  1. Blogger can be a bit of a bitch on the rag if you know what I mean. (This can be my realization of the obvious for today). :) I have trouble loading pictures and then all of the extra spacing between paragraphs goes missing. The "help" feature of Blogger is a joke. No help at all. If it wasn't such a pain I'd switch to another platform.

  2. B&J's IS expensive, but somehow, it's worth it...I don't see those assfaces over at Breyers whippin' up some Phish Food ice cream for me...
