December 30, 2009

Wow, I totally have like, Followers and everything

Hey all.  To think I've been playing Fifa for the past 3 hours when I could've been on here milking this for all it's worth... =)  Big thanks to the people that have started following my blog, and to anyone that follows me after I post this.  The support is much appreciated.

I do apologise if there are any spelling errors in my posts, I noticed one before when I read through my last post and I had to go back and correct it.  It's due to the fact that I'm borrowing my Housemate's Computer at the moment and He has this Fisher-price Keyboard that just decides to miss out letters whenever it feels like it.

Soooo... I started to move some stuff from My House to My Mum's today.  Me and Laura are moving into Her Loft in a couple of weeks, it is going to be terrible.  I hope that we can find our own place pretty quick.  My Mum's Loft isn't converted you see, it has a proper floor but we'll have to climb ladder to get up there and there is definitely some Wildlife going to be sharing the space with us.

The task is made a little harder due to the sheer amount of things that Laura owns.  She moved into my current House on the sly.  She started staying over more frequently until one day I woke up to find myself surrounded by Girl-sh*t.  Now she's got f*cking Candles and all of that bullsh*t.  It must be a Woman thing I guess.  If it was up to me, Candles would be outlawed along with Pebbles in Bowls and Twigs with Lights on.  Women will buy f*cking anything as long as it's shiny or glowing.

A little bit more about Laura maybe?  (because she asked and she'll only whine if I don't write a bit about her)
Laura is my Girlfriend.  She is a little bit younger than me (19) but her parents don't mind.  At least, I don't think they do, I can't really understand what they're saying as they're Scottish. They could be telling me to f*ck off and I'd just smile and nod.  Laura is beautiful.  She's just got a new Job and I'm very proud of her, I'll stay proud until the day she brings home a bigger Wage than me, then she'll be dumped (J/K).  She's going to be one of those Sales people that bug you whilst you're trying to do your shopping, I'm sure she'll be very good at it...
All in all, she's pretty awesome =)

I can't really think of much else to write, so I guess I'll finish up.

Catch you later. x