January 11, 2010

The Banana that I'm eating is hard and makes my mouth feel funny

- I hope it doesn't make me sick.  It definitely wasn't ripe enough.  Just a random little snippet of my life for you.

Bah! I can't find my Camera or the USB lead for my phone.  I was going to post a picture of where I'm staying at the moment but I can't because my Photo-posting equipment has been packed in one of the million (literally) bags that litter the Mother's loft space (my makeshift bedroom).

I have become obsessed with blip.fm it is actually amazing.  I figured I'm always listening to music whilst I'm on the Net so why not?  Why did nobody tell me about that site earlier?  It is an incredible source of music.  So if you're reading, go take a look, you will LOVE it.  The link to my station is on the right --->

I've been finding it a bit hard to write my posts recently, mainly because I've been working lots so I haven't had time for much else and I can't write about work because of confidentiality issues.  Don't worry, deeper, more meaningful posts will materialise, but for now you'll just have to put up with my ramblings.

Oh crap, I forgot to arrange for my Xbox to be picked up so it can go on it's journey to Germany to get fixed.

Lastly, I HAVE to post this!  This guy's Music is MINDBLOWING!  A cool twist on Beatboxing.  LOVE IT!

Catch you later. x


  1. Love street performers. Especially ones I've never seen before.

  2. You can eat green bananas, you will be fine.
