January 16, 2010

I can't even think of a decent title, so I'll just write this instead...

Eurgh.  I do not feel great today.  I know that if I drink to much on a night out, I'm going to feel shit the next day.  I never learn though.  I feel totally weak, I can feel my heart beating in my chest at times.  The funny thing is that I'm still eyeing the 6-pack of Budweiser that is in the corner... it's calling to me.  I can hear it.

Me;  Damn you Beer... damn you to hell.

Beer;  But Adam, I taste so good.

Me;  I know, you're delicious, but if I drink you I'll feel crappy tomorrow.

Beer;  You don't have to drink all of us, just a couple...

Me;  We both know that won't happen.

So I go back to writing my blog.  Ha.  Screw you beer, I win this time.

Beer; Aaaaaadaaam...

Me;  Shut up!

Beer;  Aaaaadaaaaaaaaaaaam...

Me; Oh, fuck it.  *Ksssssk*

Beer;  Yeah, that felt good didn't it?

Me;  Don't push your luck.

Cigarettes;  Aaaaaadaaaaaaaam...

I am going to die a slow, painful death and it will be totally self-inflicted.  I hate me.

1 comment:

  1. L-M-F-A-O!
    Oh man, lovely dialog with the beer.
    I get that feeling in my chest after drinking heavily orrr after drinking any amount of VODKA. It can be one drink. It's happened so bad once that I almost went to the hospital because of it- not good.
    Fresh start tomorrow!
